why is facebook stock going down today

why is facebook stock going down today
why is facebook stock going down today
Facebook buys Instagram: 13 employees share $100m as CEO.Facebook's stock is poised to go public today, not closing -- that.
Apr 9, 2012. Now a source close to the company has revealed that a further 10 per cent. Facebook will complete its initial public offering of stock next month.. Twitter finally starts to hunt down spammers (although everyone else will still be .. to all of the great new experiences we're going to be able to build together.
May 23, 2012. According to a legal expert, Facebook broke no laws in selectively disclosing negative. related to the initial public offering of the company's stock.. (At the closing bell today, they were trading at $32.). say that even as Facebook apparently was guiding down future-revenue. They are going to get taken.
To connect with Telstra, sign up for Facebook today. Sign UpLog In ... Limited stock - Pre-order online now to secure yours http://tinyurl.com/GS4-Telstra ... Your network is down! .. Areti Stevens how do I register I am going around in circles.
The Failure of Facebook's IPO - Forbes.
FACEBOOK IPO LIVE: The social network goes public - Yahoo! News.
3 days ago. Server Sales Are Down As Cloud Apps Abound At The Expense Of IBM, Enterprise Giants .. IPO price, but it's made important progress since going public a year ago.. The former Android leader, now Facebook's head of mobile, today .. Considering it comes with unbloated stock Android and a speedy.
May 23, 2012. To see where Facebook's IPO stands now, here are some questions and answers with updates as they happen.. Because of a technical delay at Nasdaq , the stock opening took. The number of shares going to small investors is still to be worked out. .. Tecnology Companies Down-Shifting Road Rage.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg sees stock tumble amid IPO.
Why is the stock market going down again today - Wiki Answers.
5 Reasons Not to “Like” Facebook | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance.